Bug Tracker Project


A project management tool that's intended for use as an internal tool within an organization built mainly aimed to help developers and dev managers. The application's core functionality includes managing bugs, and projects, and allowing the users to manage, edit & complete tasks/bugs within the system. There will be authentication using local sessions for the project along with a DB connection to store the data.


  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • ReactJS
  • Redux
  • Ruby on Rails
  • PostgreSQL
  • SQL
  • Heroku
  • Netlify

GitHub Links

Github Frontend Github backend

Video Walkthrough

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Live Link

Project Details

I want to cover all CRUD functions within this project while working in ES6 using Redux. The long-term vision for this tool is to connect it to a chrome extension that records console errors and pushes data to DB while expanding the functionality to allow for Reporting and Administrative functionality within the system.

Web Stack and Explanation

Built the project using ReactJS for the frontend and Ruby on Rails on the backend. The backend handles authentication using local cookie sessions, CRUD actions for bugs, projects, and users. For the database I used PostgreSQL. Finally, I deployed the backend to Heroku and frontend to Netlify.

Problems and Thought Process

Session & Cookies Authentication data was persisting correctly in development however in production the sesion data wasn't persisting.