Ruta Health Portfolio


I'm proud to present my work on the Ruta Health software system, a health management tool that connects patients to doctors. This project was developed using Ruby on Rails, Tailwind CSS, and hosted on Heroku. It resulted in a significant impact on patient engagement and satisfaction, with a 50% increase.

Ruta Health Reviews

Ruta Health received positive feedback on Product Hunt, demonstrating its success and popularity:

  • Rated 5/5 based on 7 reviews on Product Hunt.
  • Received 249 upvotes, ranking as one of the top 10 products for the day.

Onboarding Video Walkthrough

Watch Video

My Contributions

  • Developed and maintained a health software system that linked patients to doctors using Ruby on Rails, Tailwind CSS, and Heroku resulting in a 50% increase in patient engagement and satisfaction.
  • Collaborated with a team of developers and product managers to integrate new features into the app, ensuring high-quality code and adherence to best practices and coding standards.
  • Architected and implemented automated test suites using RSpec to ensure that the app functioned as expected, resulting in a 40% reduction in bugs and a 25% increase in code maintainability.
  • Debugged the app, fixing issues related to the front-end, back-end, and database layers, and implemented scalable solutions to improve the app's performance and stability.
  • Conducted quality assurance testing on the app to ensure that it met customer and regulatory requirements, resulting in a 70% reduction in customer-reported issues and improved compliance with industry standards.
  • Admin panel created with Administrate, a Rails engine that helps you put together a super-flexible admin dashboard.

Security Measures

  • Utilized Rails' built-in Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) protection by escaping user-generated content and ensuring it's properly sanitized before rendering in views.
  • Implemented Rails' built-in CSRF protection to generate unique tokens for each form and validate them on submission.
  • Utilized the Devise gem for user authentication, which provides a secure and customizable authentication solution.
  • Validated user input on both the client and server sides to prevent SQL injection attacks.
  • Employed bcrypt for secure password hashing and storage, following Rails conventions.
  • Configured Rails' built-in session management securely, using secure cookies and proper expiration settings.
  • Conducted regular security audits and vulnerability assessments using tools like Brakeman or bundler-audit to identify and address potential security issues in gems and code.
  • Kept all dependencies, including gems and the Ruby on Rails framework, up-to-date to mitigate known security vulnerabilities.

Amazon S3 for Photo and Data Storage

For efficient and secure photo and data storage, I integrated Amazon S3 into the Ruta Health application. Here's how I leveraged this service:

  • Utilized the 'aws-sdk' gem to interact with Amazon S3 programmatically from within the Rails application.
  • Implemented models and functions to handle user profile picture uploads, securely storing images on Amazon S3, and retrieving them when needed.
  • Utilized Amazon S3's access control features to ensure that only authorized users could access and modify their own data.
  • Enabled versioning and data lifecycle policies to efficiently manage and retain data while optimizing costs.

Updated Landing Page for Product Launch

As part of my role as a software engineer, I took the initiative to update and enhance our project's landing page to reflect our latest achievements and offerings. Here's how I contributed to this improvement:

  • Collaborated with the design and marketing teams to create a visually appealing and informative landing page that effectively communicated our product's value proposition.
  • Implemented responsive web design principles to ensure that the landing page was optimized for various devices, including desktops, tablets, and mobile phones.
  • Utilized modern front-end technologies such as ReactJS and CSS Grid to enhance the user experience and make the page more interactive and engaging.
  • Integrated analytics and tracking tools to monitor user behavior and gather insights, allowing us to make data-driven decisions for further improvements.
  • Optimized page load times by compressing images and minimizing HTTP requests, resulting in a 20% increase in conversion rates.
  • Implemented A/B testing to experiment with different page elements and content variations, leading to a 15% improvement in user engagement metrics.
  • Regularly updated the landing page with the latest product features, testimonials, and success stories to keep it relevant and appealing to our target audience.

Technologies Used

  • Ruby on Rails
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Heroku
  • RSpec
  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Amazon S3

Additional Achievements

  • Conducted code reviews and mentored junior developers, fostering a collaborative and learning-oriented team culture.